Port competition & performance

We provide solutions to improve port {{performance, connectivity and competitiveness }} to assist port authorities or operators to increase port’s volumes and revenues as well as country overall trade growth and trade tax. Due to the extension and {{overlap of ports’ hinterlands}}, ports in the same region are more and more exposed to{{ stronger competition}}. Carriers have several options to select ports that better fit their overall network at the lowest total cost. document 41 With our unique understanding on ports operations and shipping lines’ economic models, we evaluate the {{total transaction costs}} for shippers not only based on port tariff, but on the end to end sea logistic chain. For shipping lines, the total cost of call actually depends much more on the {{navigation restrictions}} (max vessel length, draft, tide), the {{cost of delays}} (congestion, dwell time), the quality of the port services (productivity, working hours) than the port tariff, since ships are expensive assets. Carriers' decisions are based on their total cost which are evaluated for all available options ({{competitive landscape}}) but also for liner trade based on shipping line own network cost increment. We focus on port performance gaps toward competition, identify the required {{investments priorities}} and assist to {{strategically price}} ports' services to attract more volumes and grow {{top line}}. {{{ Examples:}}} • Port performance and improvement plan • Key Performance Indicators selection and implementation • Port competition and future scenario • Pricing strategy based on competitive analysis • Port political and economic analysis • Port long term strategic plan • Port development and policies